Information for parents

Information for parents
Day to day
Click here to read our full prospectus.​
Parents' Folder
The parents' folder is on the shelf next to the internal noticeboard and has lots of useful information about pre-school, including policies, invoicing, staff roles, Committee meeting minutes etc.
Collecting Your Child
If one of your authorised nominees is collecting your child from pre-school, please ensure they know your password to ensure a secure handover at the door.
Naming belongings - Please make sure that all of your child’s items are clearly named, including lunch boxes, changing bags, coats, gloves, hats etc
We have a no-nut policy at pre-school and would like to remind everyone that lunch boxes and snacks must not contain any nuts or peanuts, products that are made from them, e.g. peanut oil or nut oil, products that may contain nuts or even products that have been made in an environment where nuts are present.
We also request that you don’t bring popcorn to school.
We must have a named bag with plenty of nappies, bags and wipes for any child in nappies. Please check and re-stock the bags regularly, as we don’t have a stock of spare nappies. Please don't supply pull-ups as they use up valuable play time due to having to remove all of the child’s clothing on the changing table. Please do not put Calpol or any other medicine in your nappy bag. Medicine is not permitted in Pre-School without prior arrangement.
Contact Details
Please ensure we are advised of any changes to address and phone numbers so we can update your personal records accordingly.
Please post any written communication in the black post box situated on the noticeboard in the back room at Pre-School.
Child sickness
Sickness Policy
Where children have been prescribed antibiotics, parents are asked to keep them at home for 48 hours before returning to preschool.
After the last bout of diarrhoea, parents are asked to keep children at home for at least 48 hours.
Children must not come into preschool if they have a temperature, sickness, diarrhoea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach.
We will not administer medicines unless the child has life-saving medication and invasive treatments which are already in situ, a full risk assessment has been completed, and training has been given to key members of staff.
Snow and pre-school closure
During snowy weather, we normally follow Dr Radcliffe's Primary School's decision on whether to close. (In exceptional circumstances, we may take the decision to close preschool independently and will communicate this via e-mail). The information will be broadcast on Radio Oxford and Heart Oxfordshire and will also be sent out via email from pre-school. If the preschool is unexpectedly closed at any other time, we will do our best to let parents know via email as quickly as possible.

We are proud to have our own pre-school uniform, which is a dark royal blue or jade green polo shirt and black fleece jacket. The clothing is embroidered with our pre-school logo and the uniform can be purchased from pre-school throughout the year at the following cost:
T-shirt £10
Fleece £15
All children are encouraged to wear the uniform but we understand that it is not always possible. In this case, please send your children in clothes that are easily washable and not too new, this will enable them to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones!
We also ask that you provide a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves in the winter and a sun hat during the summer, all marked clearly with your child's name.
To download uniform order sheet please click here
Pre-School Bags
We sell pre-school hessian shopping bags at £3.50 each. If you would like to purchase one, please ask any member of staff.